What is a Trick Bag, you say? It's when you are in a conundrum or an ordeal where there is no quick and easy solution. Some people call it "getting jammed." The opposite of being in the trick bag is having solutions to problems. So which are we, as Americans? Are we in the trick bag or do we have real solutions? This is a Midwestern spin on the political rant sweeping the country. And yes, I am a middle-of-the-road Democrat. This blog will often be updated pre-coffee.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
GOP, Congress on notice over American (People) Jobs Act, not the President
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
President Obama seems to be the only politician who cares and is doing something to get the American People back to work and yes, we the People have noticed that. Fair share tax talk is what have certain folks arms up in a panic, not the Jobs Act. I have never seen in modern times, a bigger group of people willing to take from the poor to preserve the rich than I have now. It is a shame. Help the president help the People, please. Those of us down at the bottom are who fuel this economy because we are here, stateside all of the time. We live where we work and we buy where we live and where we work. We, the American People complete this circle. This country needs to start producing again and we can all come up one step. How much profit is really needed to be wealthy and superwealthy? Who of your wealthy and superwealthy friends would notice any type of fall-off when you all rise and fall together? Oh, I see, your wealthy and superwealthy European, Asian, Turkish, Mediterranean Middle Eastern, African or Hispanic counterparts would notice. Personally, I think they would follow your example because American wealth is always center stage.
After a certain superwealthy earning point, you are only showing off your wealth and in these turbulent economic times isn’t conspicuous wealth a bit gauche? (Especially with the eyes of your constituency staring darts into your growing pocketbook!)
GOP, Congress, please help the president finance this American Jobs Act. Remember, people are a much friendlier when they have money and quick access to money. Fewer complaints, more votes and you guys can go back to whatever it was that you were doing up there on the Hill and we can go back to shopping at our favorite department stores and running up credit card debt, starting businesses, hiring people and the general act of buying and selling that makes my capitalist country great. If you don’t help, we the People will be sitting around broke, grouchy, monitoring the news, monitoring the Hill and reexamining how we cast our votes and for whom the votes are cast. Remember sweeties, perception is everything and you guys live in a translucent bubble!
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
10 Incredible Things to Do in Africa | Trifter
this man said they share condoms and hospital beds in Africa...omg!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Why the Wealthiest Americans Are the Real 'Job-Killers' | News & Politics | AlterNet
"But the overwhelming majority of jobs in this country are “created” by ordinary Americans when they spend their paychecks.Consumer demand accounts for around 70 percent of our economic output.
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
"Tyrone Davis homecoming"
by Leslie Jones McCloud
February 18, 2005
Monitors in the foyer of Living Word Christian Center on Thursday in Forrest Park were broadcasting a video anthology of Tyrone Davis’ music and his life. Strains of Davis’ music greeted guests upon entering the mostly glass, mall-like structure.
Family, well wishers and friends appeared upbeat while listening to Davis’ signature song, Turning Point. A quick glance around at those in line to sign the guest book at the funeral revealed smiles...
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Monday, July 18, 2011
Human-derived gelatin spares the livestock, confuses vegans -- Engadget
"New Strategy for Expression of Recombinant Hydroxylated Human-Derived Gelatin in Pichia pastoris KM71"
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry
Scientists are reporting development of a new approach for producing large quantities of human-derived gelatin that could become a substitute for some of the 300,000 tons of animal-based gelatin produced annually for gelatin-type desserts, marshmallows, candy and innumerable other products. Their study appears in ACS's Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.
Jinchun Chen and colleagues explain that animal-based gelatin, which is made most often from the bones and skin of cows and pigs, may carry a risk of infectious diseases such as "Mad Cow" disease and could provoke immune system responses in some people. Animal-based gelatin has other draw-backs, with variability from batch to batch, for instance, creating difficulties for manufacturers. Scientists thus have sought alternatives, including development of a human-recombinant gelatin for potential use in drug capsules and other medical applications.
To get around these difficulties, the scientists developed and demonstrated a method where human gelatin genes are inserted into a strain of yeast, which can produce gelatin with controllable features. The researchers are still testing the human-yeast gelatin to see how well it compares to other gelatins in terms of its viscosity and other attributes. Chen and colleagues suggest that their method could be scaled up to produce large amounts of gelatin for commercial use.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
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Sunday, July 17, 2011
smaller-raises-for-seniors-smartmoney: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
But critics say the new proposal only makes a bad system worse. The current measurement of inflation is supposed to account for the spending habits of adults of all ages, including only a small proportion of retirees. That doesn't reflect the true inflation seniors face, says Moshe A. Milevsky, a finance professor at York University in Toronto. For example, many older people spend a large share of their budgets on items like health care, whose prices have risen about twice as fast as overall prices, according to a 2010 paper published by the Congressional Research Service.
now this is a trickbag
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Friday, July 15, 2011
My Demand Studios body of work: Leslie Jones McCloud Articles at eHow.
Many of my articles have been deleted or redirected from the Demand Studios server. Here is a link to my Muck Rack portfolio.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
United States gubernatorial elections, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mike Pence is no friend to Northwest Indiana. Do not let him win governorship of this state.
Jim Wallace won't campaign past Indianapolis--Northwest Indiana Republicans. Let this be a note to the wise. Northwest Indiana had better support a man who supports Lake County. Our vote is valuable, we don't have to give it away to just anyone.
AS FOUND ON WIKIPEDIA so grain-of-salt it.
Governor Mitch Daniels will be term-limited in 2012.
Mike Pence, a Republican currently serving his sixth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, has announced his candidacy for his party's nomination. Pence (who has funraised over one million dollars) and whose announcement was anticipated by his resignation of a leading position in the GOP caucus in the House, is regarded as the favorite for election.[14]
Indianapolis businessman and former Hamilton County Councilman Jim Wallace (who has funraised about $500,000 and is probably a friend to Mike Pence) had previously announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination.[15][16] Other potential Republican candidates include former state Attorney General Steve Carter, current Indianapolis Mayor Gregory A. Ballard, conservative activist Eric Miller,[17] Indiana Superintendent of Public Education Tony Bennett, State House Speaker Brian Bosma, State Senate President David Long, and state GOP chairman Murray Clark.
Potential candidates in the Democratic field include Mayor of Hammond Thomas McDermott, Jr.,[18] Lake County Sheriff Roy Dominguez,[19] Rep. Joe Donnelly, former state House Speaker John R. Gregg, and state Senate Minority Leader Vi Simpson. Former U.S. Senator Evan Bayh,[20] Mayor of Evansville Jonathan Weinzapfel, and former Rep. Brad Ellsworth have decided not to run.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Congressional Black Caucus Members Criticize Obama On Unemployment
Think about who owns the means of production in the US--is it black folks? No it is not. It is any race but black folks. It is for this reason there is a higher unemployment rate among blacks. People tend to hire their own kind or folks they know. We are a segregated country whether anyone wants to realize that or not. We used to get on because somebody's momma worked as a maid in Mr. So-in-So's house and he was kind (or whatever) and got her relative a job and so on and so forth. Used to be mommas sat at home and raised their kids decent and they went to college to be doctors and lawyers but I guess there is only so much reach back but it certainly does not stop anyone with a high income from owning a business or two.
Most of the people in the upper middle classes choose not to own businesses and of those who did, lost those businesses. Banks could not loan them operating costs, they could not make payroll and went out of business. In times of danger, people pulled together but in small groups of known entities. There isn't much reach out. We have to somehow help ourselves by owning the means of production for the types of things black people like to buy, like --according to some marketing companies-- hair oil and cooking grease and anything at the dollar store. Whatever, if we owned a chain of dollar stores, food oil and petroleum processing plants, we'd be hired. We should also own weave hair and fake nail companies and all the chemicals used in those processes. We should own, not be owned and we would have work available to us. Anyone with me on this?
And furthermore, the Congressional Black Caucus itself has power within its members to help black people. Why don't you guys go revive the NAACP so that it can stop being an organization people call only when they want to get out of jail or a noose or need something to Buppy up the resume. What about the Urban League? We throw more parties through these organizations. Maybe we should start using them for its intended use. Where is that Black Agenda? I saw it once but it is an actual document that is useable.
We have completed one section of goals by electing Barack Obama president. Now it is time to move on to another segment of goals set long ago. It's okay, White people don't care if we use it now. They're lost and tired of driving too. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING BESIDES POINT FINGERS AND BLAME AND IGNORE OUR COMMUNITY. We spend more time worried about other folks issues and not enough on our own. During Barack's campaign was the first time I actually felt the black community breathe again since the Black Power Movement of the 1970s. I'll help if you need it.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Zipper hair: Would you try this trend? - Fashion + Beauty on Shine
say whaaaaa!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Two by two: A real-life Noah’s Ark | The Upshot Yahoo! News
Friday, June 17, 2011
Video: Samuel L Jackson Narrating New Children's Book: Go The Fxck To Sleep [Audio]
Buy the book! Buy the book Eighteen Months and Short Stories, Real Life today!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Scientists predict rare 'hibernation' of sunspots - Yahoo! News
something not seen since the 17th century.
Teen Faces Terror Charges for Blowup Doll Prank - He could get eight years in prison
~this little fella is straight up in the trickbag.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Two Baby Momma's: Arnold Schwarzenegger's Battle to Keep His Private Affairs Private - The Daily Beast
Okay, now I understand. He was not paying attention while governator. (file under ghetto)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
No Wedding No Womb gets coverage in Christian mag
Good for them.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Master Cleanse Online Diary - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com
I am doing this thing and today is the middle of the third day of no food consumption. Wow. I thought I would be hungrier. It is said that Beyonce and Angelina Jolie are fans of the Master Cleanse.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Neil Denari’s HL23 Residential Tower Rises in Chelsea - Review - NYTimes.com
To pack the maximum square footage into such an awkward space, Mr. Denari designed a building that swells as it rises. Seen from 23rd Street, the building’s bulging glass south facade has an aerodynamic look. Seen from the High Line, the folded steel surface of its eastern side — whose panels were manufactured in Argentina on presses used to make body parts for Mercedes trucks — conjures a hood scoop on a car.
Buy the book! Buy the book Eighteen Months and Short Stories, Real Life today!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
TIME Cover: No Hell? Pastor Rob Bell Angers Evangelicals - TIME
My pastor briefly addressed this in church Sunday. I thought hell was death or sheol or the grave. I think it means being eternally separated from God. However, Hell exists, just ask your pastor.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
LiveLeak.com - Ignorant young women fight in the streets
LiveLeak.com - cat fight in fast food restaurants
Two black females beat a white female into a seizure while others stand around and watch. I hope the police caught them and I bet the fight was over a man.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Sexting and Sexcasting New Craze Among Teens: Nude Cell Phone Pics Could Violate the Law | Suite101.com
Are your babies making it clap on video? Better check it out!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Black newswomen break the mold by 'going natural'
Women, you do not have to cut your hair down to bald to be natural. If you wear a weave, stop perming your real hair. Wear a full weave or press out the exposed hair. When you have some hair, then take the weave out. Natural and bald are not synonymous. Not every woman wear bald looks well. How will you wear your natural hair as it starts to grow and the natural curl pattern shows? Think first, then cut.
I wear my hair natural but I bleached it blonde. I can press it, leave it as is, put it in a pony or use clip ins--it is my hair and I will style it as I please as that is my right.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Skin bleaching: Awkward questions about identity and race
Why does skin tone matter--especially in a predominantly black environment? Hmmm.
Blacks aren't even allowed to bring suit in these instances because society refuses to recognize this prejudice. And yes, it does occur.
But then again people are prejudice against many things, one mainly, attractiveness.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tea Party Members Scream Let them Eat Cake
Earmarks for freshmen Tea Party members make constituents happy but what about the rest of America? Should we eat cake? Are you on the side of the Tea Party neophites or American citizens who need their pay. And what charity will Congress use to send their paychecks? Publish the address.
This is a time to solve our fiscal issues not a time to grandstand on ideology or a time to attack the poor through budget cuts.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Atlanta Housewives Season Finale: Charges of ?Financial Abuse? against Peter by Cynthia?s mom, sister
All the drama was quietly at Cynthia's house. She is short on money and the bridesmaid dresses ain't even thought of since the bride's dress comes first. Cynthia said she doesn't do broke well. It's two days before the wedding.
Then her sister put it out there: How is Peter contributing to the relationship? Cynthia can still work. Peter says he is born to be a restaurant. (since closing the restaurant)
She asked her dad to help her out financially with the wedding. He said he can't swing it.
Phaedra's baby Aden is sooooo cute with the fattest, sweetest cheeks. Momma is going back to work after an eight-week maternity leave and she cried. It's tough leaving baby for work. Every mom knows that.
Kim is so thin. Kandi announces she is touring with Fantasia. She addressed the issue of Kim once again, going around Kandi on the money tip over one of the songs she wrote and details of their business relationship.
They decided to let Kandi's manager and Kim's attorney handle the business end so that they could remain cool. Kandi said distribution for "The Ring Didn't Mean A Thing," will not happen if the details aren't worked out because as it stands, Kandi and her people own the rights to the song.
Whoo. Good girl Kandi--handle it!
Sheree is auditioning for a film, "If These Hips Could Talk."
Sheree is learning to take direction well. Terri Vaughn was on the panel. (secretary on Steve Harvey Show) She seemed to express frustration. Sheree was supposed to portray an angry black woman. She seemed to deliver that. Ms Vaughn seemed to sit up and notice.
Ne Ne, Ne Ne, Ne Ne. Whoooooooo. The list of things-to-do for her son Bryson was involved (for a teen). Teens don't understand. Being momma is tough. You end up saying the same thing over and over and over again. She said Bri-Bri needs a job.
Comes the nuptial countdown. Cynthia's mom paid the last minute, down-to-the wire $3,000 for the open bar at the venue. Phew.
Cynthia's sister questions why the sadness and stress from sister Cynthia. Duh, money problems. Mal, Cynthia's sister, is worried about her sister and the stress made Mal cry! Her mom broke it down: she thinks Peter is financially abusing Cynthia and that he lies.
"Allow him to give," she tells her daughter, because a man will do whatever you allow him to do, she said.
Back to Ne Ne. She and Greg talked over glasses of wine. Greg essentially apologized but Ne Ne said he is always apologizing, so she didn't care.
"It doesn't change anything," she said, adding he needs to change his behavior. They still plan to put parenting first.
Reason number one why Cynthia should not marry Peter:
What does that say about the wedding?
Anyway, Cynthia’s dress was amazing in platinum silver. It was an original and it was everything.
Kim is bringing to the wedding, Kroy Biermann, of the Atlanta Falcons football team--who she met at one of the many functions they attend. She said it’s serious but she has been keeping it quiet so that it can last. The big reveal will be at Cyndi’s wedding.
Peter shows to his wedding up full tilt asking for vodka and cranberry.
Last wedding cliffhanger: they forgot the marriage license and are not sure where it is.
It’s official: mom and sis do not want Cynthia to marry. They hijacked the marriage license so when she does marry it won’t legal? Dunno about that one, she does have a license but it just not presented to the pastor. I know he does have to sign the thing.
All the ladies looked fab at the wedding. Kim brought her own bottle because she said Cynthia couldn’t afford good wine if she was, “whining about the honeymoon.”
Ne Ne said Kim is invisible to her.
Well, Sheree said she could see where “they cut corners.” (no abundance of flowers)
Meow. Dang. Kim, Sheree and Phaedra had the claws out for this one!
Anyway, Cynthia was beautiful--like a work of art in that dress--and the ceremony went forth Peter in spite of his imperfections. Ahhh, love. (remember that her mom and sis hid the license so I am not clear if it is legal or not--whooo--because Mal was visibly upset as if she felt guilty about her involvement in the whole thing. Whooo.
The full-skirted, tucked dress (with toile petticoat beneath) had a crease-pleat, choker-collar and huge side bow, also at the neck. Accompanied by large drop earrings, an up do and evening makeup, Cynthia glowed.
Okay, the wrap-up: Dwight and Ne Ne made up at the reception and danced after he presented her with some of the flowers from the wedding arrangements.
P.S. Ne Ne will be on the Apprentice in March. Looks fun! And Kim is preggers, due in June! Whooo!
Source: Atlanta Housewives, Bravo Channel
Site: http://ping.fm/rkvVH
Read the blogs: http://ping.fm/U4mWs/blogs
Atlanta Housewives Season Finale: Charges of ?Financial Abuse? against Peter by Cynthia?s mom, sister
All the drama was quietly at Cynthia's house. She is short on money and the bridesmaid dresses ain't even thought of since the bride's dress comes first. Cynthia said she doesn't do broke well. It's two days before the wedding.
Then her sister put it out there: How is Peter contributing to the relationship? Cynthia can still work. Peter says he is born to be a restaurant. (since closing the restaurant)
She asked her dad to help her out financially with the wedding. He said he can't swing it.
Phaedra's baby Aden is sooooo cute with the fattest, sweetest cheeks. Momma is going back to work after an eight-week maternity leave and she cried. It's tough leaving baby for work. Every mom knows that.
Kim is so thin. Kandi announces she is touring with Fantasia. She addressed the issue of Kim once again, going around Kandi on the money tip over one of the songs she wrote and details of their business relationship.
They decided to let Kandi's manager and Kim's attorney handle the business end so that they could remain cool. Kandi said distribution for "The Ring Didn't Mean A Thing," will not happen if the details aren't worked out because as it stands, Kandi and her people own the rights to the song.
Whoo. Good girl Kandi--handle it!
Sheree is auditioning for a film, "If These Hips Could Talk."
Sheree is learning to take direction well. Terri Vaughn was on the panel. (secretary on Steve Harvey Show) She seemed to express frustration. Sheree was supposed to portray an angry black woman. She seemed to deliver that. Ms Vaughn seemed to sit up and notice.
Ne Ne, Ne Ne, Ne Ne. Whoooooooo. The list of things-to-do for her son Bryson was involved (for a teen). Teens don't understand. Being momma is tough. You end up saying the same thing over and over and over again. She said Bri-Bri needs a job.
Comes the nuptial countdown. Cynthia's mom paid the last minute, down-to-the wire $3,000 for the open bar at the venue. Phew.
Cynthia's sister questions why the sadness and stress from sister Cynthia. Duh, money problems. Mal, Cynthia's sister, is worried about her sister and the stress made Mal cry! Her mom broke it down: she thinks Peter is financially abusing Cynthia and that he lies.
"Allow him to give," she tells her daughter, because a man will do whatever you allow him to do, she said.
Back to Ne Ne. She and Greg talked over glasses of wine. Greg essentially apologized but Ne Ne said he is always apologizing, so she didn't care.
"It doesn't change anything," she said, adding he needs to change his behavior. They still plan to put parenting first.
Reason number one why Cynthia should not marry Peter:
What does that say about the wedding?
Anyway, Cynthia’s dress was amazing in platinum silver. It was an original and it was everything.
Kim is bringing to the wedding, Kroy Biermann, of the Atlanta Falcons football team--who she met at one of the many functions they attend. She said it’s serious but she has been keeping it quiet so that it can last. The big reveal will be at Cyndi’s wedding.
Peter shows to his wedding up full tilt asking for vodka and cranberry.
Last wedding cliffhanger: they forgot the marriage license and are not sure where it is.
It’s official: mom and sis do not want Cynthia to marry. They hijacked the marriage license so when she does marry it won’t legal? Dunno about that one, she does have a license but it just not presented to the pastor. I know he does have to sign the thing.
All the ladies looked fab at the wedding. Kim brought her own bottle because she said Cynthia couldn’t afford good wine if she was, “whining about the honeymoon.”
Ne Ne said Kim is invisible to her.
Well, Sheree said she could see where “they cut corners.” (no abundance of flowers)
Meow. Dang. Kim, Sheree and Phaedra had the claws out for this one!
Anyway, Cynthia was beautiful--like a work of art in that dress--and the ceremony went forth Peter in spite of his imperfections. Ahhh, love. (remember that her mom and sis hid the license so I am not clear if it is legal or not--whooo--because Mal was visibly upset as if she felt guilty about her involvement in the whole thing. Whooo.
The full-skirted, tucked dress (with toile petticoat beneath) had a crease-pleat, choker-collar and huge side bow, also at the neck. Accompanied by large drop earrings, an up do and evening makeup, Cynthia glowed.
Okay, the wrap-up: Dwight and Ne Ne made up at the reception and danced after he presented her with some of the flowers from the wedding arrangements.
P.S. Ne Ne will be on the Apprentice in March. Looks fun! And Kim is preggers, due in June! Whooo!
Source: Atlanta Housewives, Bravo Channel
Site: http://ping.fm/v7p5t
Read the blogs: http://ping.fm/WzAMW/blogs