Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Throwing it at the wall: Pun-filled bathroom humor

I can't link IG and Linkedin.
A photo posted by Leslie Jones McCloud (@imadeamesss) on

 Bending to pick up a laundry basket can result in disaster. I have back up bottles of bleach on hand. Yup, I do.
I have recently begun to change my eating habits due to health concerns. I am fat and I am old so I got the Nutribullet RX several months ago and I love it. My body loves it, my mind does not love it.
Not to be graphic but in the middle of chores and meal preparation, I really don’t want to stop. I hate that. I have a nail brush, lots of soap but is it really ever enough? No, it is never enough. I am tired of going to the bathroom and then, not going to the bathroom when I do not consume the nutritional beverages. It is not the fault of the device manufacturer or my body but it is the fault of my perception of frequent bathroom trips.
I ignored the increase in bathroom usage at first but as the months moved on, I began to see the increase as a nuisance. It is not a nuisance, it is helpful to my good health and weight loss. However, it is a pain in the rear to get ready to go someplace just to have to stop, turn around and head back inside because your body demands it.
A quick Google news search found how much whale pee is in the ocean and the world’s best toilet, (which means there is no credible, recent discussion on this matter) however a regular Google search returned an old debate over how much fecal matter is found in the human gut at any one time. A couple of blogs and message boards said one to four pounds of waste while several others said up to 25 to 40 pounds.
I know for a fact many items on the web are not fact-check with a vetted, licensed expert so with a grain of salt, I tend to believe more sensational headlines — but only because I want to believe. I want to believe a portion of my weight could be simply eliminated by consuming more food, like the Baby Alive doll, and just push it all through. (And just like that doll, there are all sorts of leave behinds when unapproved foods are consumed.)
I am the type of woman who considers colonics and prepares for them but will never make the appointment to go. I fall off of the wagon with the soft foods and raw juices and instead watch videos of the procedure. I base what I’d like to be true of weight loss through elimination by  juicing in preparation for a colonic. And that is it.
Colonic preparation is what started this whole health kick but I never saw it through. I could not for a month of Sundays, eat only soft foods and green juices. I thought I could get rid of 25 pounds in this way so the colonic could be more effective. I thought it to be easy and pain-free. What I found out is that getting rid of weight in this matter is painful. Seeking and finding colonically, your very first meal is painful.
Obese people are said to have layers upon layers of hardened waste lining our intestinal tract, according to many untested experts. Several attempts to unimpact it have hit several painful roadblocks. I had to rig up a jackleg bidet system because the wipes were not enough. (Think garden sprayer filled with salt water because I do not favor a dry wipe. None of us would cleanse a baby’s bottom in such a way, so why should we do it to ourselves?)
It literally hurt to constantly consume products that are specific to cleansing and scraping my insides. It was working but I stopped because of the inconvenience and the pain. Thus far, for the past five months have been my longest run in the past five years, at intestinal cleansing.
I will not give up. I will complain incessantly but I will not give up.
I think the problem is that I am not on a schedule. Like potty training a toddler, we all need a schedule. Some like to schedule before and after work hours, workout hours or travel hours but because I work at home, I have an open schedule—really open. However each day is different and requires some type of shopping and  a closed schedule would only defeat my efforts, so just move out of the way if you see me running toward you because there is probably a bathroom behind you.
Throwing it against the wall (to see what sticks) is a humor column posted  sporadically to the account of Leslie Jones McCloud.

Laugh out loud funny: #Melania'sSpeechMemes on IG

Thursday, February 18, 2016

#OfficialLovetwins to #SteveHarvey to #fatshaming #raceshaming: Let's stop being horrible to each other count down

I had the misfortune of running across YT # 1 *oon going off again about fat, overweight black women and why they do not deserve love or according to him, even to live. He mentioned this homecoming queen incident so I searched for the video. I really do not know what to think. Why hurt kids? Why be hurtful to anyone because they do not meet up to European beauty standards. Viv la difference! That is what makes our nation great - we are not all the same. Below is a comment found with the video.

"Unfortunately they didn't just clown her, they clowned the whole blk community. You are right this was a big joke, but sadly her and a lot of people did not realize it. I have seen this many times. White people give a black person a fancy job title like "assistant lead custodian' as a joke and the black person walks around with his chest out. They laugh at him behind his back at the way he is acting, and he never catches on he is being made of fool of. This happens a lot with black people; they clown us and we never catch on. Same thing here with Ole Miss and their first black homecoming queen. They did it as a joke and many black people including this young lady never catch on. Very sad."

This is the video I came across while looking at the superficial twin video from the Steve Harvey Show (I will post that one below this one) I did not know so many people hated black women.

I saw the videos and I know Steve Harvey has to tune his shows a certain way, but the black woman brand is at stake. There is nothing wrong with these women. Everyone is entitled to their likes and dislikes without sanction.

If a man or a woman knowingly accepts a date from you looking like they just got off the couch, stepped on the back of their shoes and walked out the house to run to the store, you should always treat that action as a red flag because something is wrong. Unless you both agree to couchwear, most folks dress up a bit and such.
These women accepted dates from these men on the premise that they would be on a date. No one goes to a date with unkempt hair and crazy tartar stains. The women should have had their guards up. Rightfully, the women passed on what they saw and referred the men (who had been done up by make-up artists to look ragged) to friends of theirs who enjoy a fixer-upper. Not everyone has the time or inclination to teach social skills to a potential mate.
So what was Steve Harvey trying to say? Next time ladies, accept whatever the wind blows your way? Well-off black women should be put in their place?
What is Steve Harvey saying with this episode? These women are defending themselves from all sorts of people on social media. Why? They say they are friends with the guys. Friendship can lead to romance. All that being said, these women were honest with their feelings and are being vilified for it.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Use local police station for internet purchases, police say after shootings

Two people wounded by gunshots in Gary follow link to read story

"Westerfield said anyone who makes arrangements via the Internet to purchase an item is welcome to make those exchanges at the Police Department, 555 Polk St. Several other Region departments, including East Chicago, Griffith and Highland, also have offered up their facilities as safe meeting places."